So there is an
arrest warrant out for
Miriam Bedard, the Canadian gold medal (twice) olympic biathlete. She has abducted her own daughter.
I'm just going to throw it out there that she is going to be tough to catch. My reasons:
1) If the hunt for Bedard comes down to a race through the snowy woods of Quebec, she will escape. On skis.
2) Say the police do corner her in the woods of Quebec (fat chance, see above), there will very likely be a shootout. Who do you think would win in a shootout with someone who has been shooting guns since the age of 14? And winning medals for shooting? Please.
3) This woman is married to a man who personally convinced former PM Chretien to stay out of the Iraq war. Talk about foresight!
So watch out. Be careful. If you see a woman on skis with a rifle and child in her arms STAY BACK! Do not approach the Olympic Biathlete!